SpringForwardCTF Writeup

SpringForwardCTF Writeup

My head hurts when solving this problem.

Usually on the weekend, I open CTFtime and register as solo team to random CTF events to solve some problem just for fun.

Last weekend I solve two problems from SpringForwardCTF. But one of them is very interesting for me. It’s not too easy for me to just solve it trivially and not too hard for me to impossible to solve. So I just want to write how I solve that problem in this writeup.

You can see the original problem statement on their platform, but I provide it below in case it is down.

Problem Statement


  • Category : Bin
  • Tags : medium, bin
  • Score : 731 (35 Solves)

Speak with Fate itself to earn your flag

Developed by: Robert Blacha

nc 0.cloud.chals.io 21534

View Hint
It might be possible to predict fate itself

file : testOfLuck

Solving the Problem

First, let’s open the binary file using Ghidra to reverse engineered it. I get the following code (with some variable renamed by me for clarity).

undefined8 main(void)
  FILE *pFVar1;

  setvbuf(stdin,(char *)0x0,2,0);
  setvbuf(stdout,(char *)0x0,2,0);
  setvbuf(stderr,(char *)0x0,2,0);
  pFVar1 = fopen("settings.txt","rb");
  return 0;

We can see in this main function there is not something interesting. It just open the file settings.txt to read the value of three lines as variable seed, a, and c, and then calling the vuln function.

For simplicity to following this write up and testing locally, you can create file settings.txt with these value. I will explain about it later.


Next, let’s see the vuln function.

void vuln(void)
  undefined8 rand0;
  long in_FS_OFFSET;
  ulong input_value;
  undefined8 rand1;
  undefined8 rand2;
  undefined8 rand3;
  ulong rand4;
  long local_10;

  local_10 = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28);
  input_value = 0;
  puts("Any one person can be great, but true Legends have Luck");
  puts("Before you stands the altar, whereby you will have a conversation with fate itself");
  rand0 = LCGrandom(0);
  printf("Fate tells you your name %lu, May fate be kind!\n",rand0);
  rand1 = LCGrandom(0);
  rand2 = LCGrandom(0);
  rand3 = LCGrandom(0);
  printf("%lu, %lu, and %lu have already fallen today I hope you fair better\n",rand1,rand2,rand3);
  puts("What is your response to Fate");
  rand4 = LCGrandom(0);
  if (rand4 != input_value) {
    puts("Fate grows silent");
      "Fate hums with approval. Now you must be the one in control, and tell fate the cause, and the  effect"
  rand4 = LCGrandom(input_value);
  if (rand4 != input_value) {
    puts("Fate grows silent");
  puts("One final time, speak to receive your reward");
  rand4 = LCGrandom(0);
  if (rand4 != (input_value >> 32 ^ 0x12345678) + (input_value << 32 ^ 0xfedcba9800000000)) {
    puts("Fate grows silent");
  if (local_10 != *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28)) {

You see that at the start of this function, it gives us a long text with four random values generated byLCGrandom function.

Our first input should matches the next random value generated by this function. How can we guess that? Let’s see inside the function LCGrandom.

ulong LCGrandom(long param_1)
  long lVar1;

  if (param_1 != 0) {
    seed = param_1;
  lVar1 = longMult(seed,a);
  seed = (ulong)(lVar1 + c) % m;
  return seed;

This function accept a parameter param_1. If the value is not 0, it uses param_1 as seed. And then it calls longMult function with variable seed and a as parameter.

The variable seed, a, and c in this function is the global variable with value that we read from settings.txt file in main function.

Once again, let’s see inside the function longMult.

ulong longMult(ulong seed,long a)
  ulong sd;
  ulong ii;

  sd = seed;
  for (ii = 0; ii < a - 1U; ii = ii + 1) {
    sd = (sd + seed) % m;
  return sd;

We can see that this function is basically just doing calculation of (seeda)modm(seed \cdot a) \bmod m.

If we go back and see the LCGrandom function, the result of longMult function then added with c and then modulo m.

So basically the whole LCGrandom function is just this calculation

(seeda+c)modm(seed \cdot a + c) \bmod m

If you search keyword lcg random, you will get result article in wikipedia about Linear Congruential Generator and indeed this function is using this algorithm to generate random number.

The generated random number depends on the previous generated random number. So we can guess the value of the next random number if we have some consecutive number generated by this function.

Let’s run the program to get some example. Wait a bit because this function doing many multiplication of large number.

Here is the first output.

Any one person can be great, but true Legends have Luck
Before you stands the altar, whereby you will have a conversation with fate itself
Fate tells you your name 512492391765, May fate be kind!
183481182527, 3022872323066, and 1338496894763 have already fallen today I hope you fair better
What is your response to Fate

We get four number 512492391765512492391765, 183481182527183481182527, 30228723230663022872323066, 13384968947631338496894763 but we dont know the original value of seed, a, and c. (we know the value from settings.txt file locally, but we don’t know the value of it on the remote program)

Notice that from these four values, we have four equations.

s1as0+c512492391765(modm)s2as1+c183481182527(modm)s3as2+c3022872323066(modm)s4as3+c1338496894763(modm)\begin{align*} s_1 &\equiv a s_0 + c \equiv 512492391765 &\pmod m \\ s_2 &\equiv a s_1 + c \equiv 183481182527 &\pmod m \\ s_3 &\equiv a s_2 + c \equiv 3022872323066 &\pmod m \\ s_4 &\equiv a s_3 + c \equiv 1338496894763 &\pmod m \\ \end{align*}

The value of s0s_0 is the seed.

If we substract s3s_3 and s2s_2 we can get the value of aa.

s3s2(as2+c)(as1+c)(modm)s3s2as2as1(modm)s3s2a(s2s1)(modm)a(s3s2)(s2s1)1(modm)\begin{align*} s_3 - s_2 &\equiv (a s_2 + c) - (a s_1 + c) &\pmod m \\ s_3 - s_2 &\equiv a s_2 - a s_1 &\pmod m \\ s_3 - s_2 &\equiv a (s_2 - s_1) &\pmod m \\ a &\equiv (s_3 - s_2)(s_2 - s_1)^{-1} &\pmod m \end{align*}

Note: (s2s1)1(s_2 - s_1)^{-1} above is inverse modulo of s2s1s_2 - s_1.

Oh yeah, I almost forget, to get the value of m we can just run the program in gdb and print it because it is a global variable.

value of m
value of m

The value of m is 31727103337993172710333799 and it is a prime number. Perfect!

The code is something like this.

s = [512492391765, 183481182527, 3022872323066, 1338496894763]

m = 3172710333799

a = ((s[1] - s[2]) * pow(s[0] - s[1], -1, m)) % m
print('a', a)

Run the program and we get the value of aa, it is 244906032244906032. The same value as we write in settings.txt. So far so good.

Next, to get the value of cc. Because we already know aa, we can get cc like this.

s2as1+c(modm)cs2as1(modm)\begin{align*} s_2 &\equiv a s_1 + c &\pmod m \\ c &\equiv s_2 - a s_1 &\pmod m \end{align*}
# continue from before

c = (s[1] - a * s[0]) % m
print('c', c)

Run the program and we get cc is 44294429, the same value in settings.txt.

Now we know the value of aa and cc, we can predict next value of LCGrandom function.

# continue from before

next = (a * s[-1] + c) % m
print('input 1', next)

We get number 24062343437272406234343727 for the s5s_5, let’s try enter it to the testOfLuck program. Here is the output

Any one person can be great, but true Legends have Luck
Before you stands the altar, whereby you will have a conversation with fate itself
Fate tells you your name 512492391765, May fate be kind!
183481182527, 3022872323066, and 1338496894763 have already fallen today I hope you fair better
What is your response to Fate
Fate hums with approval. Now you must be the one in control, and tell fate the cause, and the effect

We successfully enter the correct value.

Okay for the 2nd input, let’s get back to the code.


      "Fate hums with approval. Now you must be the one in control, and tell fate the cause, and the  effect"
  rand4 = LCGrandom(input_value);
  if (rand4 != input_value) {
    puts("Fate grows silent");
  puts("One final time, speak to receive your reward");
  rand4 = LCGrandom(0);
  if (rand4 != (input_value >> 32 ^ 0x12345678) + (input_value << 32 ^ 0xfedcba9800000000)) {
    puts("Fate grows silent");


The 2nd input is become the value of LCGrandom parameter. Then the 3rd input should be the same with the result of LCGrandom with out 2nd input as parameter.

If you notice, we can just enter 0 for the 2nd input and then enter the s6s_6 value of the LCG for the 3rd input.

But let’s not forget the 4th input. It is used to generate the value for this calculation.

(input_value >> 32 ^ 0x12345678) + (input_value << 32 ^ 0xfedcba9800000000)

And the result should be the same with the s7s_7 value of the LCG.

It’s very difficult, we know the value of s7s_7 but we can reverse it to get the 4th input value, because the shift operation is not reversible operation.

But we can think it backward.

We decided what is the 4th input value and then reverse the operation to get 3th input and 2nd input.

Let’s get back to look at this calculation. I use n as the variable for the 4th input and x as the result variable.

x = (n >> 32 ^ 0x12345678) + (n << 32 ^ 0xfedcba9800000000)

Notice that (n >> 32 ^ 0x12345678) will produce the low 32 bit of the result and (n << 32 ^ 0xfedcba9800000000) will produce the high 32 bit of the result. So we will get 64 bit number as the result.

But we know the maximum value of x is m because it is the result from LCGrandom function. So we have to get this x value less than m.

We can achieve this by “turning off” the high 32 bit. So we want the result of (n << 32 ^ 0xfedcba9800000000) is 0 by using n = 0xfedcba9800000000 >> 32.

# continue from before

n = 0xfedcba9800000000 >> 32
x = (n >> 32 ^ 0x12345678) + (n << 32 ^ 0xfedcba9800000000)
print('x', x)

Now we get the x value is 305419896305419896 and it is less than m.

We know that for the 2nd input, we can use it as parameter of LCGrandom function and the function will use it as new seed if the value is not 0. So to get the 2nd input, we just have to get it backward.

Now we have two equations. I use t0t_0 as variable of the 2nd input (or the new seed) and t1t_1 as variable of the 3rd input.

t1at0+c(modm)xat1+c(modm)\begin{align*} t_1 &\equiv a t_0 + c &\pmod m \\ x &\equiv a t_1 + c &\pmod m \end{align*}

Because we know the value of xx now, we can get t0t_0.

xa(at0+c)+c(modm)xa2t0+ac+c(modm)a2t0xacc(modm)t0(xacc)(a2)1(modm)\begin{align*} x &\equiv a (a t_0 + c) + c &\pmod m \\ x &\equiv a^2 t_0 + ac + c &\pmod m \\ a^2 t_0 &\equiv x - ac - c &\pmod m \\ t_0 &\equiv (x - ac - c) (a^2)^{-1} &\pmod m \end{align*}

Then we can get t1t_1 because we already know t0t_0

Here’s the code.

# continue from before

t0 = ((x - a*c - c) * pow(a * a, -1, m)) % m
print('input 2', t0)

t1 = (a * t0 + c) % m
print('input 3', t1)

print('input 4', n)

And here is the output.

Any one person can be great, but true Legends have Luck
Before you stands the altar, whereby you will have a conversation with fate itself
Fate tells you your name 512492391765, May fate be kind!
183481182527, 3022872323066, and 1338496894763 have already fallen today I hope you fair better
What is your response to Fate
Fate hums with approval. Now you must be the one in control, and tell fate the cause, and the effect
One final time, speak to receive your reward
[1]    25609 segmentation fault (core dumped)  ./testOfLuck

Oops, I forget to add file flag.txt for local testing. You can create the file with this content.


So here is the complete code with addition of pwntools and little bit of modification.

from pwn import *
import re

# p = process('./testOfLuck')
p = remote("0.cloud.chals.io", 21534)

r = p.recvuntil('response to Fate').decode()

s = list(map(int, re.findall(r'\d+', r)))
print('s', s)

m = 3172710333799

a = ((s[1] - s[2]) * pow(s[0] - s[1], -1, m)) % m
print('a', a)

c = (s[1] - a * s[0]) % m
print('c', c)

next = (a * s[-1] + c) % m
print('input 1', next)


r = p.recvuntil('and the effect').decode()

n = 0xfedcba9800000000 >> 32
x = (n >> 32 ^ 0x12345678) + (n << 32 ^ 0xfedcba9800000000)
print('x', x)

t0 = ((x - a*c - c) * pow(a * a, -1, m)) % m
print('input 2', t0)


t1 = (a * t0 + c) % m
print('input 3', t1)


r = p.recvuntil('your reward').decode()

print('input 4', n)


r = p.recvuntil('}').decode()

the result
So many warning




I was solving this problem on the saturday night when I had a bad headache because of sleep deprivation. I was also joining Discord voice call while one of my friend streaming some film for watch together.

So basically I can’t concentrate fully. I also need to relearn about modular arithmetic to solve this problem. My head hurts.

And by the time already 2 A.M., the movie is finished and I decided to sleep and continue in the morning. I already find how to get the 1st input value and have rough idea how to find the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th input value.

Next morning, I wake up without headache but when I start to think, my head starts to hurt again. Looks like I shouldn’t thinking to not get headache.

I create the program, get the flag, submit, and decided to sleep again.